On Seeing Robots (A K Mackworth)
Computer Vision: Attitudes, Barriers, Counseling (R Chellappa & A Rosenfeld)
From Curve Detection to Shape Description: An Outline (S W Zucker et al.)
Real-Time Pyramidal Vision (Z-N Li)
Analyzing Overlapping Patterns to Recognize Letters in Handwritten Words (C Barriốre & R Plamondon)
Use of Colour in Gradient-Based Estimation of Dense Two-Dimensional Motion (J Konrad)
Representational Issues in Texture Analysis (H C Shen et al.)
Resampling Large Voxel Datasets for Reconstruction or Magnification of 3D Images (H H Atkinson et al.)
A Two-Step Robust Approach to Motion Estimation (X Sun & M E Spetsakis)and other papers