Mario Miranda, Existence and regularity of hypersurfaces of ; athbbR^ ; with prescribed mean curvature
Joel A. Smoller, Topological methods in the theory of shock waves
James Glimm and Arthur Jaffe, What is renormalization?
J. F. G. Auchmuty and Richard Beals, Variational solutions of some nonlinear free boundary problems
Lamberto Cosari, Existence theorems for problems of optimization with distribution and boundary controls
Jean-Michel Bony and Pieere Schpira, Prolongement et existence des solutions des systemes hyperboliques nonstricts a coefficients analytiques
Felix E. Browder, Existence theory for boundary value problems for quasilinear elliptic systems with strongly nonlineara lower order terms
Enrico Giusti, Elliptic equations on minimal surfaces
F. Treves, On the existence and regularity of solutions of linear partial differential equations
H. F. Weinberger, On the steady fall of a body in a Navier-Stokes fluid
Charles Fefferman, ; ^ ; bounds for pseudo-differential operators
E. B. Fabes, N. F. Jones and N. M. Riviere, The initial value problem for the Navier-Stokes equations with Data in ; ^ ;
Monty J. Strauss, Variations of Korn's and Sobolev's inequalities
Howard Jacobowitz, Deformations leaving a hypersurface fixed
Victor L. Shapiro, One-side conditons for functions harmonic in the unit disc
Charles C. Pugh, Cross-section of solution funnels
J. B. Wagoner, Delooping classifying spaces in algebraic ; theory